Using the following pictures and actions, we have learned about two of the sounds that the vowels make. The pictures are a great visual while we are participating in reading and writing activities and the actions that go with each picture has been an effective non-verbal cue during reading and writing activities.

Superhero Aa says his letter name. He says, "A".
When we make this sound, we flex our muscles just like the picture.
Little Aa likes to be healthy. He eats a lot of apples and says "ahhh". When we make this sound, we open our mouths and pretend to eat an apple.
Superhero Ee says her letter name. She says, "E".
When we make this sound, we flex our muscles just like the picture.
Little Ee is the sound that our Grandma makes when she cannot hear what we are saying. When we talk softly to our Grandma, she puts her hand beside her ear and says, "Ehh".
When we make this sound, we cup the back of our ear.

Superhero Ii says his letter name. He says, "I".
When we make this sound, we flex our muscles just like the picture.
Little Ii likes to exercise. He bends from side to side and says, "i".
When we make this sound, we hold our pointer fingers on either side of our mouth and bend from side to side.
Superhero Oo says his letter name. He says, "O".
When we make this sound, we flex our muscles just like the picture.
Little Oo does not feel very well. He goes to the doctor and the doctor tells him to open his mouth. Lowercase O opens his mouth and says, "aw" (say it once).
When we make this sound, we open our mouth in the shape of the letter Oo and then stick our finger in our mouths and say "aw".

When we make this sound, we flex our muscles just like the picture.
Little Uu does not listen in class. She is always talking when the teacher is talking. When the teacher asks her a question and she says, "uhh".
We scratch our head with one finger while we say "uhh".
The students were enthusiastic during our short vowel intensive activity this morning. It will be a fun and easy learning activity to do at home focusing on sound discrimination. I wrote three words with the same beginning and ending sounds. The medial letter were different vowels. I then requested the student to locate and circle one of the words.
1. The first time that I say the word, I just verbalize the word as I would if I were reading it (student repeats the word). The student then locates the word and circles it.
2. If the student is having difficulty locating the correct word, I repeat the word while emphasizing the vowel sound (student repeats the word emphasizing the vowel sound). The student then locates the word and circles it.
3. If the student requires further assistance, I would say the word emphasizing the vowel sound and direct the student to look at the vowel pictures for a, e, i, o and u (student repeats the word emphasizing the vowel). The student then locates the word and circles it.
4. If the student requires further assistance, I repeat the word emphasizing the vowel sound while pointing to the correct letter sound picture. The student then locates the word and circles it.