Saturday, March 7, 2020

What We're Learning

Graphic organizers to help students organize their thoughts and ideas. Presently, students will tell an adult their topic and three ideas and the adult will complete the chart. Students are then supported in writing their four sentences (one sentence for the topic and one sentence for each idea). 


We are continuing to work on our addition skills. Most of the students are able to add using manipulatives independently and are continuing to show improvement in their level of confidence in their ability to complete addition problems in a more independent manner. Students are encouraged to use a strategy that they comfortable using. Most students either use the counting on strategy along with using manipulatives (put the first number in your head, use manipulatives for the second number and then use the counting on strategy  - 5 + 3 = (5, 6, 7, 8) 8 or they use manipulates for both numbers.


- We have been locating patterns in our environment.
- We are competent in our ability to extend and recreate AB and ABC patterns.
- We will be working on extending and recreating AAB, ABB patterns.