We have been focusing on a multitude of number sense skills during October. We will continue these skills in November along with the inclusion of addition. Presently, math is being taught as whole class lessons, so all students are exposed to all concepts. Learning expectations for each student are individualized.
Outcomes focused on this month:
1. Subitize (recognize at a glance) and name familiar arrangements of 1 to 5 objects or dots.
2. Relate a numeral, 1 to 20, to its respective quantity.
3. Recognize numerals 0 to 100.
4. Say the number sequence 0 to 100 by:
• 1s forward between any two given numbers
• 1s backward from 20 to 0
• 10s forward from 0 to 100.
5. Demonstrate an understanding of conservation of number (able to understand that
the number of objects remains the same even when rearranged).