Our morning activity was a coloring activity. Although students can choose what colouring page, they would like to colour, there is an expectation that they try their best to colour within the lines. Some students have the expectation of using three or more colours.
We spent some time talking about Thanksgiving this morning. We talked about what families may eat during their Thanksgiving meal and students listened to a Thanksgiving story. The story was quite funny and everyone had fun making turkey sounds "gobble, gobble".
The students were very energetic this morning so we had a movement break before we began our core word activity.
This week is a core word review week. We are participating in activities that include the four words that we have previously learned. Today we focused on the word help. Students completed a handout where they had to colour the word help, sequence the letters in the word help, search for and circle the word help and print the word help. The searching activity was a little harder than the previous searching activities that we have participated in, as there were multiple words beginning with the letter Hh and the students had to look at the second letter to locate the correct word. Chris Usih, the Chief Superintendent of Schools at the CBE, visited our classroom during this activity. Nick was able to share what we were doing.
This morning was the first "instrument" day in Music class. Students either played the xylophone independently or with their Grade 2 buddy.
During math class, we are continuing to work with numbers up to 20. Students are participating in activities that would allow them to experience great success. I am hopeful that the activities would continue to lead to an increase in their work stamina long with their level of independence.