It's hard to believe that we
finished our first week of school this year! We were very happy to welcome four
new friends in our classroom. They have been a great addition to our SKILL
family. I am very grateful to have been able to meet with all of our new
students and families before parent-teacher conferences later this month.
We are slowly getting into our normal school routine and I am hopeful that the students will be ready for it within the next week. This week our class has been participating in various activities that allow me to discern skills and abilities including, each student's work stamina, learning retention after summer holidays, fine and gross motor skills and receptiveness to working in small groups with various adults. Next week as work expectation increase and the length of breaks decrease, I will be able to determine which activities may be presented as a large group or as in smaller groups.
As permission forms for the release of children's photographs come in, you will begin seeing photographs of what we are doing at school. Please complete and return the documents that were sent home this week as soon as possible.
Have a great weekend!