Wednesday, September 25, 2019

A Glimpse of Our Day

This morning the students were able to work in small groups. Building blocks and interlocking blocks were made available to each group.
Benefits of block play:
- motor skills and hand-eye coordination,
- spatial reasoning,
- cognitive flexibility,
- language skills,
- a capacity for creative, divergent thinking,
- social competence, and
- engineering skills.

Our Morning Meeting consists of reading our morning message, singing our months of the year song, reading one to two poems and calendar time. We have been learning how to sign the days of the week. 

Our core word of the week is: I
This morning students located the core word on their communication devices and on the classroom's core word poster. We listened for the word "I" in our story and sang our "I" song of the week (Apples and Bananas ).
We then created our "I" sentences. Students were asked to verbalize or use their devices to respond to the question, "What do you like to eat?". Students were required to respond in complete sentences.

The movement song, Pop-See-Ko, gets everyone moving. Students chose this song three times today!

Our small groups participated in Guided Reading. This group read their books independently and then they read it to Ms. Purcell and answered two questions to demonstrate that they were ready to take their books home to share with their families. 

Students can choose where they would like to sit during snack time. There is one desk available if a student would like to sit alone. After students eat their snack, they can read a book or do a puzzle.

Ms. Danielle, our occupational therapist came for a visit this afternoon. She shared two centers with us. In one center, we printed our name, coloured and then used a pushpin to poke holes over the lines in our name and on the pictures that we coloured. If we didn't bring this activity home, we will bring it home tomorrow after we complete it. While in our second center, we had to roll a die and count out that number in clothespins. We then clipped the clothespins on a paper plate. 

We joined the school outside for the Terry Fox Run. Cooper is ready for the run and is getting into a sprinter's ready position.